Monday, May 23, 2011


Last week I went into a dark zone, my new editor had giving me back chapter 1 and the first thing that I had to do was slow down because my scenes were too rushed, the realization hit me my former editor wasted my time and when money is involved that time wasted continues to haunt me. So what did I do yes it took a while a whole twenty-four hours for me to snap out of my self-pity and utilize my editor expertise and ask for help. She did more than what I asked for she gave me examples and a positive kick in the… I want to become published, I want to write until my fingers ache and even then I will likely still find a way to write, everyday I think of new things to write and I enjoy the escape, that’s the best part for me.

Its been almost two years since I decided to stop pushing aside my dream and the fact that it’s a painful journey so far means I am not giving in to defeat, nothing in life in my opinion is easy without sacrifice, and I also know some people will have better fate than me but I have come to the conclusion this is the way it will be for me and even though I am at the beginning I will be at the finish line one day.

What motivation do you tell yourself to keep going?

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  Silence.   Scream.    Couldn't utter a word but what was felt.   Darkness clutching the throat.  The threat of the freight train crash...