Monday, May 23, 2011

Feeling Complete

Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return.
—Genesis 3:19
As a Christian I reflect a lot on the person I am now and the person I would like to aim to be in the future, which is to be the best parent I can; by working hard to secure a future for my children, being a good spouse which lately has meant taking a break from writing to remember I have to offer my attention to my relationship. Showing compassion, respect for others which has been difficult because I have come to terms that not everyone will be nice to me, not everyone will say positive words to me I have to feel complete about who I am and what it means to be me.
While I am in reflection mode I really want to strive to let things go not doing so inhibits me from growing or keep me stuck and I get all stressed.

My reflection will never feel complete without discussing my path towards getting an agent/published most people in my close circle of family and friends know that I write it is my passion that I ignored for a few years mainly because I was scared to take the leap the other thing about telling others about what your passionate about is they don’t take you serious and think it’s a hobby they don’t really understand that it’s not but an investment in my dream and confident that if I don’t give up especially when things will get hard my goal will see fruition.

What do you reflect about to aim for your complete self?

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  Silence.   Scream.    Couldn't utter a word but what was felt.   Darkness clutching the throat.  The threat of the freight train crash...