Saturday, June 18, 2011

Reality Check

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a writer in possession of an awesome manuscript will find her agent, get published and have a successful career.

I wrote a previous post about my goals for the new year, thinking about my goals and the expectations in regards to my publishing journey I had an awakening. Firstly the surest thing I know is that I am in love with my first novel Ecliptic Dreams more so since I have started with revisions and rewrites which resulted in better ideas that heighten my plot and the variety of conflicts. In addition, I won’t give up I have gone this far it’ll be pointless to stop when I have invested in my writing, and I have set a round off number of 300 agents I will query when my manuscript is polished. Now I will move on to talking about expectations.

The expectations are brutal but again this is the reality that I have come to terms with.

Agents are not obliged to love my manuscript
Publishers have to fall in love with my manuscript to offer their investment to my product
I may never get on the bestseller list
I may never get appreciated by my target market
I may have to write plenty of novels before I reach the first step of getting representation


I am not alone, many writers are striving up the same mountain as me and that is something which is comforting and helps with my tenacity to continue.

The final point that is important for writers is to focus on your realistic goals and put up a barrier so to speak blocking your expectations for the publishing industry.

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  Silence.   Scream.    Couldn't utter a word but what was felt.   Darkness clutching the throat.  The threat of the freight train crash...