Monday, November 21, 2011

Deep Confessions

I am coming out of my blogging respite to address a painful confession...drum roll I am jealous of a particular author I will not mention, I fume into the zone of jealously because this author had the easiest publishing experience ever, and I believe the series of books are not worth that amount of success and then I looked in the mirror and noticed my dark brown eyes had changed, now glowing emerald green, in the zone of my jealousy I began to notice my writing suffered I also googled this author hoping and praying a bad review or worse dare I say he/she was fat I am ashamed of myself but I was able to gain perspective after I read a article by href="">Noelle Sterne, Ph.D. I was able to breathe this is what I was feeling for so long and I felt awful and as I was driving today I told myself it was okay to feel this way but I had to stop, and I pictured myself successful and how it would feel to have people ridicule me, and that made me feel the hurt, and ashamed of the zone and crazy things I had done. In regards to my feelings I know what my goal are toward my publishing goal and one of those is to appreciate other's success because sometimes I believe fate could happen in which that author may give me a blurb,a referral so that is it no more bashing another writer for making it, things happen for a reason and everyone deserves there own success to make there life and the life of their love ones better. I will keep this article to remind me when I get in the zone, has anyone felt like this and how do you get out of that dark zone?

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  Silence.   Scream.    Couldn't utter a word but what was felt.   Darkness clutching the throat.  The threat of the freight train crash...