Saturday, February 20, 2010


I watched the midnight sun in I awe. Nature still surprises me-- I don’t plan on returning the look in Stephen’s eyes is all I see. I am content that I no longer can sleep for if I could my dreams of him would constantly shatter me, I have finally succeeded in him hating me the amount of time he said it, no I take that back cursed at me to leave I could’ve have killed him if I didn’t throw him onto the bed I had no choice. All I see now is the blood the smell of his blood and feeling my frenzied state warming then building and in that moment I had to make the impulsive choice. I stood up and looked out at the horizon then I screamed loudly begging my Grandmother to come to me I need her help.
"Grandma I need you please help me I cannot live like this anymore." I collapsed on the damp grass and cried then I felt her warm hands on my shoulder I looked up she softly tells me she’s here now.

Copyright Keisha Martin excerpt from Hours Of Darkness

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  Silence.   Scream.    Couldn't utter a word but what was felt.   Darkness clutching the throat.  The threat of the freight train crash...