Saturday, October 10, 2015

I think I can....

I am in the thick of rewriting, my adult novel (erotica) and also outlining an epic science fiction my second the first I did in 2010 and have not looked at it again.

*waves* checking in.

Its been a crazy few months juggling university and writing, wait this was my update few months ago so I guess its not really a new checking in, but I am happy to pass on my epic fantasy outline is concluded and I am eager to begin writing on a new page. 

Also my adult novel I am almost finished second round of revision and also I cannot wait to move on on the third revision/rewrite for each draft I set a goal what I want to achieve all the drafts will include rewrites but for the first one I worked on high-lightening all my adjectives/adverbs some I had to leave because it made sense for the dialogue or the scene. 

I also utilize a self-editing checklist for fiction writers I found this list years ago and it has proven useful in organizing how the mss is polished. 

I also decided paying for an editor is costly so I will work hard and read plenty of books to help me do my own self editing I believe that I can do so. Also I decided to participate in nanowrimo as I write my new YA and hope one day this dream will become a reality as always happy writing.


  Silence.   Scream.    Couldn't utter a word but what was felt.   Darkness clutching the throat.  The threat of the freight train crash...